In the post super full time, I would like to talk about how to SEO a website and make it rank in Google (or at least the big four).
I know SEO is probably the thing that is not easy (maybe even intimidating) for most of you remember the many who need to learn ...
Five years ago when I used to be just starting out, for my own SEO it does seem a little mysterious.
But after a few years of creating a website, ranking it me, and has its own system to get high rankings in google constantly, I understand there was a science behind search engine optimization.
Before I start with a long explanation about how I was to download my websites SEO and make it rank one (or at least one of four large pages) on Google, I would like to make a disclaimer first ...
That by following the guidelines that I write this, I can not guarantee you get a high ranking in Google.
The results you'll get will greatly depend on your experience, your instincts, your knowledge, and money that you have in your pockets to buy the things they need to rank high in Google.
And that even though I'm doing my best to provide the information as any to post this, I am still a little expert SEO does NOT know everything.
Risks to use the information on this page is 100% in your hands.
And with the disclaimer, let's start the guide ...
How to SEO Website
In our SEO guide this time, I will talk about my style of SEO techniques.
And to be honest, I was pretty complex technique - you may not understand some of the many terms in this guide, and process optimization I do I always keyword research based on strong, so do not carelessly optimization.Broadly speaking, this is what I usually do:
- Keyword Research, high competition keyword for example gambling site with keyword togel, it need extra effort.
- On Site SEO, site creation process with a structure based on the results of keyword research, the installation of an Optimized WordPress theme well, laying SEO elements such as title tags, header tags, and others related to the main keyword on the site.
- Off Site SEO, the process of building backlinks and domain authority, which include building social profile on the popular social sites, social bookmarking, buying high PR backlinks, and the use of mass backlinks.
three things that will be discussed in our post this time ...
1. Keyword Research For High Rank Foundation
The first thing you should realize is that you must first SELECT keyword, keyword where you want your site ranking high in Google.
You must be clear with the keywords that you seek as the main keyword for your site.
And most people do not even know they should have targeted keywords for ... If you've got keywords for targeted, congratulations you are better than 50% of internet marketers out there.
So, think carefully first you want to make a site about what, what purpose, who are the people you seek, and what do you think will be the keywords typed in by your potential visitors in search engines.
Example: You want to create a website to promote the training and mentoring baking your own cake business, then the people you are looking for employees who are interested in the business side, students, entrepreneurs who want to develop business, housewives who are interested in the business side cake on the home page, and others.
From there, you begin to think about what keywords would they type. For example, "business training cake", "side business opportunities small capital," "business outlook chocolate cake", "how to make a delicious cake", and others.
The second thing you also need to realize is that the keywords you choose should have a level of competition that you can conquer.
Most beginners naive enough to think that the site will be ranking in the super competitive keywords like "make money online", "credit repair", "buy guitar" or super competitive keywords other.
You should know that there are people out there who did not hesitate to spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year to make sure that no one disturbs their position on search engines.
For those hundreds of millions of dollars per year is small because they get billions of dollars per year.
Error in doing keyword research that makes you target competitive keywords will make your site without traffic for a LONG period of time at all ...
And most likely you will be desperate in the middle of the road without ever getting a traffic whatsoever.
You can find out if there is competition for a particular keyword and how hard the competition by performing a simple search on Google for the keywords you target.
If there are many pages Optimized (keywords in the title tag, URL, and meta description), then certainly there is competition for that keyword.
For the rigors of competition you can use tools like Majestic SEO for analyzing the link profile of your competitors websites.
The third thing you should also know is that the keywords that you seek, in addition to having competition at the level that you can handle, should also have a favorable potential traffic for you.
Not that you should look for traffic with hundreds of thousands of monthly searches per month, what is important is that your traffic is decent, and you have search traffic intention to spend anything from you.
Remember, SEO is only a means to get traffic. And the traffic is only one element to doing business on the internet. That's why SEO techniques you should FOCUS on the amount of traffic and quality of traffic that you seek ...
Why Keyword Research is Important?
Keyword research is important because if you suck at this, the struggle to get a lot of traffic will be ten times more difficult.
In every keyword research, I always look for at least two main keywords and keyword at least 10 supporters. Monthly search traffic of all these combined exact keyword must be more than 2000 minimal traffic.
If less I'll search keyword again until fairly.
After that, I will look at the competition and the potential of the existing traffic for each keyword. From there I will determine priorities.
Keywords which are most easily and has decent potential traffic, I would especially targeted keywords rather than more difficult.
Then I will make some pillars pages on my site to target these keywords easily. Page is a page containing articles pillar super powerful, complete, and well optimized for keywords easily.
Pillar article is very liked by Google and will be very easy to rank high for keywords that lack of competition as long as you do the on-page SEO properly.
Thus I will have initial traffic quickly, which allowed me to build domain authority through LIKES and TWEET as well as allowing me to get the money for SEO process for major keywords is more difficult.
Imagine if I was home to make a site without a complete keyword research process, I may be very great difficulty in bringing some visitors per day.
Heck, I might even have to make dozens of articles just to get a few hundred visitors per day.
Oh yeah, by the way, the tools I use for keyword research is none other not just Google Keyword Tools
2. On Site Optimization Way to Rank High
There are actually many things to consider in on-site optimization, but you do not need to know everything. You just need to know a few of the most important.
Three things that I think is most important in the process of ranking high on search engines is relevance, user experience, and crawlability.
Relevance, it is a simple job search engine. Provide search results that are relevant to that sought by visitors.When visitors type in keywords "Jackie Chan", of course I want to display the websites about Jackie Chan in the search page.
If Google fails to do so, of course, would give up the search using Google and will switch to Bing.
With this theory then you can make your pages rank higher in Google by way of showing the relevance signals to Google to put a keyword that you seek in places that noticed by Google.
These places are example URLs, headings, title tags, meta description, image alt tags, etc. ...
If visitors hate your site, they will immediately go after them until ... |
An example is this post, which I seek keyword for this post is "how SEO website". You can see for yourself right my URL, title tag me, I am heading, and others were deliberately created to contain the keywords "how to SEO a website"?
User experience, in the present, search engines are sophisticated enough to be able to recognize which sites provide a good user experience, and which provide a poor user experience.
Some indications that Google uses to determine user experience generated from the site is fast loading site, bounce rate, quality of content, outbound and inbound links to relevant pages, and a portion of advertising pages.
First is the speed of your site.
Very simple, the slower a site, the lower the position in the search engines. Spider would be lazy to crawl because the sites are heavy and slow spending a lot of resources, and ultimately is the reduction of rank ...
That is the reason even though there are plenty of free WordPress themes out there, I just believe in the theme provider thoroughly professional and knew what he was doing.
I personally only use free WooThemes, if I someday intend to invest in a premium theme one day, I would choose the Genesis or Thesis because I know the two frameworks were created to speed the site.
The second is the bounce rate, the higher your bounce rate, the lower your score in the eyes of Google. Average page views per visit you also influential you know, the less, the lower your score in the eyes of Google.
On the other hand, the lower your bounce rate, the higher your position in Google.
How does Google know your bounce rate? First from Google Analytics (if you put it), and the second from a visitor pressing "back" button on their browser IMMEDIATELY after they get to your site.
Third is the inbound and outbound links to relevant pages.
Google assumes that sites with lots of links to other relevant articles is one of the indicators of a good user experience. Of course, as with inbound links and outbound links to relevant pages, users can find out more about a topic more easily.
Beginners often misunderstand and think that the more links that come out of the site, the worse position in Google.
And if he is a link relevant pages, just the opposite is what happened ...
And the last is serving ads within the page.
Ads that take 80% of the screen certainly provides a poor user experience, and that's why I now began to lose positions sites that meet its pages with ads.
Crawlability, it is a bit technical to explain, so I was a bit lazy, but the point is the ease of your site in the Google spiders crawl by.
Pages that are difficult to reach by Google of course will be less ter-crawl that will eventually have an unfavorable position on the search results page.
On the other side of the page that can crawl properly and without error would be great value in the eyes of Google, so the potential for increased ranking.
The point is more or less like that, to find out the error in your site, crawlability status of your site, broken links, etc., you can use Google Webmaster Tools to analyze.
Now we will talk about off site optimization ...
Off Site Optimization, Personal Backlink Formula I
Honestly, if you can apply the two-step that I share just over completely, you can rank high for 80% of keywords with low to moderate competition out there.
But sometimes maybe two things that is not enough, you often need a little encouragement from the elements off site optimization to help you rank high - higher than your competitors - for more competitive keywords.
Actually, the topic of off-site optimization or who is more popular with the term backlinking is very BROAD topic at all, was so wide I had to Generate a special report that discusses these topics in detail themselves.
But OK, let's try to discuss briefly about the off-site optimization in our post today ...
I personally set a formula for the off-site optimization is:
Simply put, the more links that point to your site, the better your position in search engines (Quantity = positive), but at the same time if the links that point to your site is of adult sites or spam sites (QUALITY = negative) , ya might even hit your site from Google penalty. (Positive x negative = negative)
QUALITY of the link you get is important, because even though you can get a few links, if the link quality, then the result will be positive.
The more links from quality sources you have, the higher the confidence in Google for your domain so that you can more easily rank for any keyword you want.
One of the things that can cause a decrease in the ranking even if you have high QUALITY link building is a negative Quantity caused by a link to your website off by the site owner.
This is a negative link velocity which causes a decrease in rank, unless you replace it with a new link to the QUALITY or less the same.
If the sites that link to your site RELEVANT, the higher the points, the relevance of your site, which causes you to rank higher in Google for the keywords that you seek.
Even though the link you wake up in a site that is NOT relevant to your site, as long as its QUALITY positive, then you will still get the benefit (but certainly not as many links from relevant sites).
But, there is one factor that should not be overlooked. That justification. Even if you have a lot of quality links from various sources (mass of links from press releases for example), but if it does not make sense, it still will raise a red flag from Google.
Example: Domain newly purchased yesterday afternoon but suddenly was getting 10,000 links from press releases, article directories, blogs, and others. Of course this would raise suspicion from Google that the site you are going to get sandbox for manual review from Google staff.
Phew, let us now discuss some of the things that allow us to establish a link with the QUANTITY, QUALITY, RELEVANCE, and the justification ...
For QUANTITY, I think it's easy is not it ... wake up as many links as possible, from as many sources. Easy is not it?
For QUALITY, make sure you build links from sites that are trusted by Google or have a good link profile.
I personally build links from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, blogs with high PR (3 +), a blog comment from the pages of PR more than 1, and the social bookmarking domain PR of 6 or above ...
This will ensure I have the link only from qualified sources.
From here you may ask, but is it hard to build a lot of links from quality sources?
Yups. That's the reason we use the proper techniques such as link backlink pyramid and others. We build quality pages link to us from sources that are not so qualified.
For example, build a lot of links from quality sources less towards YouTube page that links to our site. In this way, our site will benefit from a lack of quality backlinks without soiling our profile link.
If you are not clear with this, it helps you understand the theory behind it first.
RELEVANCE? That's easy, give a link to your web page from a page about the same topic.
For example, for pages about cats, I made a YouTube video about the cats, and building links from there.
I'm not going to put a link to a page about the cats from YouTube videos about dogs. Simple right ...
For justification, if I build a lot of links to a page, I will also make sure that the page has pretty much the LIKE and TWEET. This will make my page look popular.
Naturally, if the popular page has lots of links, the fair also if the site with an older domain has a lot of links, that's the reason why I will be more aggressive due to the aging of domains on my site.
But I will refrain from making a lot of links to new sites.
Bottom line, if you build links, build a safe, proper technique, looks natural and logical.
I once discussed very VERY MUCH DETAIL about link building technique is right, safe, natural, and logical, plus super powerful techniques in my report later ...
SEO Mystery No Longer ...
I hope you have no idea what you should do to make your website or page ranking on Google for the keywords that you seek.
I also hope that, if you had ever thought that SEO is a mystery, now you understand that SEO is just a way to make our site the most relevant site among other sites.
All you need now is a ciamik keyword research to find the ideal keywords which you should seek, on site optimization is right to put your target keywords in the right places and pay attention to the design and speed of your site, plus some backlinks to strengthen the position of your site quality and relevant to the topic of your site.
Congratulations areas SEO ria!