When walking the blog we meet almost every blog article that discusses procedures for making and installing meta tag keywords or meta description tag blog. Each blog author describes how to install meta tag is really friendly seo aka search engine friendly. Whether it's based on his own experience (professional bloggers) and blogger who went along alias Copas article without analyzing the content (example: me) hehehe. I myself sometimes confused about which one to wear, eventually all a try, even destroyed it would alias duplicate meta tags.
Well, on this occasion I will share that I use meta tags and an explanation on Anyone know any other bloggers who want to participate is modeled meta tag. And I want my friend more knowledgeable about meta tags seo blog can provide input and comments, about whether the meta tag that I use is good for seo blog.
<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/> <b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'> <meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0' name='viewport'/> <b:else/> <meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'/> </b:if><b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'><title><data:blog.pageTitle/> | How to Create a Blog SEO Tips and Make a Widget</title><b:else/><title><data:blog.pageName/> | learning Blogging</title></b:if>
<meta content='Guide How to Make Free Blog Blogger Tips Tricks Blogspot SEO Tips and Tools Modified Widget' name='description'/><b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'> <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/></b:if>
<meta content='3 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content='842002FC0A683BE4CIUB610D73D01A58' name='msvalidate.01'/>
<meta content='NUmrQ_sjhe78YkKoNbwtrYUTxKI' name='alexaVerifyID'/>
<meta content='ALL' name='WEBCRAWLERS'/>
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1. code red is the default meta tag blogger, I think this is important, because it affects the look of the blog on the internet explorer and the mobile version.
2. Code blue is the meta description tag after the blog name and the name of the blog, this affects the view in google search engine.
3. Code green is the new feature blogspot meta tag, the meta tags that should be entered if you want meta description tag blog / homepage meta tags and blog posts indexed google.
4. While the latter is a code blue is meta additional content, which is also quite important, for example google site verification meta code that goal for our blog verified by google webmaster tools, as well as the code,
<meta content='842002FC0A683BE4CIUB610D73D01A58' name='msvalidate.01'/>
the bing webmaster tools verification code. and the claim code alexa rank widget
( <meta content='NUmrQ_sjhe78YkKoNbwtrYUTxKI' name='alexaVerifyID'/> )Well my friend asked for his help if there is a lack of information sharing, oh why did not I put meta keywords tag, my reason is quite simple; Create my entire blog post article are keywords alias keyword.
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